I want to send keys to FileUpload window using Capybara . JavaScript Driver : Poltergeist.
UI : File Upload Window
click_button 'BrowseBtn'
popup = page.driver.browser.window_handles.last
page.within_window(popup) do
I am not sure of the following things. a) How do I verify whether popup dialog got opened after clicking browse button? I have taken screen shot after clicking browse button , but in the screen shot browse window doesnot come?Is it expected? b) How do I verify whether popup diaglog has received the keys?
You can't send_keys to the system file selection dialog, you have to call #attach_file
with identifiers for the file input element. Given html like
<input type='file' id='my_file_input' name='my_file_input>
You would do something like
attach_file('my_file_input', pathToInvalidTestLicenseFile)
in your test. The one issue that comes up a lot with file fields is that they are often hidden on the page, and replaced with another element that is stylable. In that case you need to use execute_script to modify the css of the file input to make it visible before calling attach_file
. The css that you need to change would depend on how the element is hidden, however if it was just set to opacity: 0 then something like
page.execute_script("$('#my_file_input').css('opacity', 1);")
page.attach_file('my_file_input', pathToInvalidTestLicenseFile)
should work (assuming your using jQuery on your page - swap for standard DOM methods if not).
As a second issue - when you do have code that opens another window, rather than using driver specific methods and manual sleeps you should be using something like
popup = window_opened_by { click_button 'BrowseBtn' }
This doesn't work in this case because you're not opening a new browser window, you're triggering the opening of a system dialog box.