I have a dimension which categorizes labor as direct and indirect now I have a measure [indirect hours] which comes only for indirect employees and others remain blank. and another measure [direct hours] which comes only for direct employees and others remain blank.
I want to create a calculated measure [indirect hours]/[direct hours] and show it in front of all direct employees.
Currently it is showing all blank there. Any help would be much appreciated
LaborType | DirectHrs | IndirectHrs | Calculation_Expected
direct 10 <Blank> (1+2+3+4)/10=1
direct 20 <Blank> (1+2+3+4)/20=0.5
direct 30 <Blank> (1+2+3+4)/30=0.33
direct 40 <Blank> (1+2+3+4)/40=0.25
Indirect <Blank> 1 <Blank>
Indirect <Blank> 2 <Blank>
Indirect <Blank> 3 <Blank>
Indirect <Blank> 4 <Blank>
If the table I edited and put into your post is correct, you could use a calculation like below:
CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[Calculated Member]
AS CASE WHEN IsEmpty([Measures].[DirectHrs])
ELSE ([Measures].[IndirectHrs],[DimensionName].[LaborType].[Indirect])