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Can't create a directory on /storage/emulated/0 on emulator

I'm trying to create a directory on my android emulator but I can't do it, I already have the permission on manifest write_storage, and I get no erros but mkdir() return false, I verify if external storage is writtable too and it is, it works on physical devices my code:

 /// Cria uma nova pasta para colocar o backup
    File direct = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(),
            "/Financas RW Backup");
    try {

        if (!direct.exists()) {
            if(isExternalStorageWritable()&&isExternalStorageReadable()) {
              if(  direct.mkdir()) {
                  fachada.showMessage(ExportImportDB.this," Criado");
                  fachada.showMessage(ExportImportDB.this," Não Criado");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        fachada.showMessage(this, e.toString());


  • You have to options:

    • Downgrade your compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion to lower version in your build.gradle
    • Request write permission at runtime is required on Android 6 .

    I personally don't advice the first one. For more info check:

    Hope this helps!!