I'm writing rails application and I need to change some of URL pathes of my application. But I don't want to broke my tests and make changes in view, js or controllers...
Here is my routes:
resources :posts, path: 'news' do
member do
get 'edit/page/:page', as: :edit, action: :edit
post '/approve', as: :approve, action: :approve
post '/reject', as: :reject, action: :reject
collection do
get :my
get :shared_with_me
get :filtered
As you see I found a way to change domain.com/posts
to domain.com/news
in all website's pathes.
Now I need do change this list of pathes:
to domain.com/news/all
(get posts#index
to domain.com/news/preview/12
(get posts#show
to domain.com/news/request
(get posts#new
)I'm trying to change this pathes using :path_names
, but it doesn't working...
Here is updated routes:
resources :posts, path: 'news', path_names: {index: 'all', show: 'preview', new: 'request'} do
member do
get 'edit/page/:page', as: :edit, action: :edit
post '/approve', as: :approve, action: :approve
post '/reject', as: :reject, action: :reject
collection do
get :my
get :shared_with_me
get :filtered
When I made this changes and runs rake routes
- only GET news/request
But why I don't see GET news/all
and GET news/:id/review
Please, help me to fix it. Thanks!
You can specify the controller to use for a resource instead of using the path
resources :news, controller: 'posts' do
When it comes to the rest of you question maybe you should learn the hows and why's of the RESTful defaults instead.
Using /news/all
is pretty idiosyncratic - in REST its implied if a path describes a resource than the "root" should display all items.
get 'edit/page/:page'
Is just plain weird. If page is a nested resource of news
you would declare it like so:
resources :news, controller: 'posts' do
resources :pages
# or
resource :page
You also should not be using the POST verb to approve / reject a story. POST implies that you are creating a resource. Instead you might want to do something like:
resources :news, controller: 'posts' do
member do
patch :approve
patch :reject
Yes this will break you tests - waah waah. However building bad applications just to avoid changing existing code / tests is not a viable long term approach.