I am using SharpSNMPLib on C# to send Informs but always getting a timeoutException. This is apparently caused by the lack of reply as stated on the documentation here :
new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 162),
new OctetString("public"),
new ObjectIdentifier(""),
new List<Variable>(),
The manager should send back a reply to this INFORM message. Otherwise, a TimeoutException occurs.
Does anyone know how to send back a reply in order to avoid this exception?
Answered offline, but paste the answer here for future reference.
The code base contains an snmptrapd sample, which illustrated how to construct a manager pipeline,
It is such a pipeline that handles incoming TRAP and INFORM messages and replies in a proper way.
You might further read the checkout steps to see how the test agent and snmptrapd should work together,
When an INFORM message is sent from the test agent after the button is clicked, the snmptrapd program will reply to it and log to console.