Search code examples

Remove foreach - c# code-optimization

How to optimize this code?

ParentDoglist, ChildDoglistis - Ilist. dogListBox - List Box

foreach (Dog ParentDog in ParentDoglist)
 foreach (Dog ChildDog in ChildDoglist)
  dogListBox.Items.Add(new ListItem(ParentDog.Name, ParentDog.Key));

EDIT: ParentDogTypeList, DogTypeList were renamed as ParentDoglist,ChildDoglist, where both are not related with each other


was changed to


Complete Story:

I need to populate a drop down which would reciprocate a Parent Child relationship. There are certain dogs which may not have any child and that would be called as leafdog. And I also need to show the number of dogs in that particular category

DD would look like

  Child11 (10)
  Child12 (12)
  Child21 (23)
  Child22 (20)
Leaf1 (20)
Leaf2 (34)

So, the ParentDoglist would bring all the Child and leaf elements along with the count and ChildDogList would have the Parent and leaf ID's hence I would be able to populate the respective Child to their Parent and bind the leaf directly.

The Parent, Child and Leaf Dog would be maintain in one table and differentiated by statusid and count would be in another table.

No parent would have any count, only child and leaf would have count

Table Schema:

alt text


  • You can sort ParentDoglist and ChildDoglist and do linear O(n) finding algorithm insead of this O(n^2).

    But you can sort the containers in O((ParentDoglist.Size() + ChildDoglist.Size()) * log2(ParentDoglist.Size() + ChildDoglist.Size())).

    Then if you run this code ONCE ONLY, your algorithm is optimal. But if you are searching MORE THAN ONE TIME, the optimal solution is sort the containers and do the comparison in linear time, but if yours container can change bettwen search functions was lanuched and you using "more than once time solution" you must use RB-Tree container to carry this elements, because with normal list after container was changed you can't return to sorted state in O(log(n)) time.