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Increasing Solr5 time out from 30 seconds while starting solr

Many time while starting solr I see the below message and then the solr is not reachable.

debraj@boutique3:~/solr5$ sudo bin/solr start -p 8789
Waiting to see Solr listening on port 8789 [-]  Still not seeing Solr listening on 8789 after 30 seconds!

I am having two cores in my local set-up. I am guessing this is happening because one of the core is a little big. So solr is timing out while loading the core. If I take one of the core out of solr then everything works fine.

Can some one let me know how can I increase this timeout value from default 30 seconds?

I am using Solr 5.2.1 on Debian 7.


  • Usually this could be related to startup problems, but if you are running solr on a slow machine, 30 seconds may not be enough for it to start.
    In that case you may try this (I'm using Solr 5.5.0)

    Windows (tested, working): in bin/solr.cmd file, look for the parameter

    -maxWaitSecs 30

    few lines below "REM now wait to see Solr come online ..." and replace 30 with a number that meets your needs (e.g. 300 seconds = 5 minutes)

    Others (not tested): in bin/solr file, search the following code

    if [ $loops -lt 6 ]; then
      sleep 5
      echo -e "Still not seeing Solr listening on $SOLR_PORT after 30 seconds!"
      tail -30 "$SOLR_LOGS_DIR/solr.log"
      exit # subshell!

    Increase waiting loop cycles from 6 to whatever meets your needs (e.g. 60 cycles * 5 sleep seconds = 300 seconds = 5 minutes). You should change the number of seconds in the message below too, just to be congruent.