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Java Path for Specific FileSystem

Reading the documentation on Path and other places it's obvious to me that it always takes the file system the VM is running on. However, I want to make it clear to Java that I want to have Unix-paths.

The reason is that I'm exporting paths as JSON via Jackson and there using toString() in a serializer returns different results for different VMs. In simple terms I want to get this even if I'm developing on a Windows machine:


My serializer looks like this:

public class PathSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Path> {

  public void serialize(Path path, JsonGenerator jsonGenerator, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {


To solve it for Windows I could do this of course:

public class PathSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Path> {

  public void serialize(Path path, JsonGenerator jsonGenerator, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
    jsonGenerator.writeString(path.toString().replace('\\', '/'));


But, that's not independent of the file system. I mean I know what target system I have and I don't want to cover all source systems here.

How do I do that? I mean the last resort of course is to use String instead of Path, but that's kind of lame IMHO.


  • This will work on all platforms:

    public void serialize(Path path, JsonGenerator jsonGenerator, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException
       jsonGenerator.writeString(path.toString().replace(File.separator, "/"));

    With the Java libraries for dealing with files, you can safely use / (slash, not backslash) on all platforms. The library code handles translating things into platform-specific paths internally. That being said no matter what OS will later on read the path will be able to construct it correctly.