I have a big MovieClip object composed of many small MovieClip objects. After the rotation of parent object, the coordinates of nested objects are changed. But the x and y properties of nested objects remains the same it was before rotation of parent. How to get updated coordinates?
For example, there is an object composed of two circles. Local coordinates of small circle is -34 0. After rotation the coordinates of the small circle is still -34 0, but global coordinates was obviously changed. Is there a way to obtain new global coordinates?
Yes, it's possible. The most straightforward way is to use localToGLobal
In you example as3 can looks like:
//converts local (0, 0) of innerMc to global (stage) coordinates system
var point:Point = innerMc.localToGlobal(new Point(0, 0));
//another way (for better understanding) - converts innerMc
//coordinates in outerMc system (in your case it's (-34, 0)
var point2:Point = outerMc.localToGlobal(new Point(innerMc.x, innerMc.y));
Both options will give you the same result.