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rich:Autocomplete selection not working in IE 11 browser

I am using Rich faces 4.2.1 version, I have I have used rich:autocomplete component, which is working fine in chrome and Firefox browsers. but when I use IE 11 browser I am unable to select the value from the auto complete. when I enter 3 character it is giving suggestion in popup but when I am trying to select the required value mouse pointer is not going to second value. is there any work around or hack code for this. to get it work on IE 11 browser?

Thanks in advance! Kiran.


  • Finally, I have got an workaround, that is running the IE Browser in compatible mode, so I use

    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE8" /> 

    tag in my start up page. by using this, rich: auto complete selection is working in IE11 also. Thank You :)