I'm trying to setup a password reset within an app using swift 2 and Firebase.
Following Firebases example:
let ref = Firebase(url: "https://<YOUR-FIREBASE-APP>.firebaseio.com")
ref.changePasswordForUser("bobtony@example.com", fromOld: "correcthorsebatterystaple",
toNew: "batteryhorsestaplecorrect", withCompletionBlock: { error in
if error != nil {
// There was an error processing the request
} else {
// Password changed successfully
How can I access an authenticated users email & password in order to pass those values to this function instead of the current mock data?
I'm not interested in sending a temporary password in a pass reset email.
I was thinking that I'd be able to access these values by something like:
let ref = Firebase(url: firebaseURL)
But I haven't been able to figure it out.
How can I access these values from the currently authenticated user?
How can I access an authenticated users email & password
Firebase does not store the user's password. Instead it stores a hash of the user's password. That means that there is no API from Firebase that returns a user's password.