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Adding coloured box as legends to morris graph

I am trying to add colored box as legends to the morris graph. The below picture shows the C3 graph legend. But I am unable to find a way to add in the Morris the same way.

Can anyone help ?

Colored Box Legend example - C3

Currently , The Morris legends appears as below with the code:

Morris Graph Legend

The code for Morris - jQuery

var chart=  Morris.Line({
    element: 'status-req',
    data: <?=json_encode($jsonDataArray)?>,     
    xkey: 'y',
    ykeys: <?=json_encode($deliveryAspect['statusKeys'])?>,
    labels:  <?=json_encode($deliveryAspect['statusLabels'])?>,
    hideHover: 'auto',
    resize: true,      

chart.options.labels.forEach(function(label, i) {
    var legendItem = $('<span align="center"></span> ').text(label).css('color', chart.options.lineColors[i])


  • The problem is solved using the below code. CSS

    .mbox {   
        display: inline-block;
        width: 10px;
        height: 10px;
        margin: 10px 55px 10px 25px;
        padding-left: 4px;


    chart.options.labels.forEach(function(label, i){
        var legendlabel=$('<span style="display: inline-block;">'+label+'</span>')
        var legendItem = $('<div class="mbox"></div>').css('background-color', chart.options.lineColors[i]).append(legendlabel)