GitHub is a great place to share accomplished projects for veterans. It is also a good place for beginners to show their baby steps learning a new language. I am learning Java by debugging someones' else final code in tutorials. For instance, bot's logic in tic-tac-toe (original code is posted in GitHub) or a calc that displays "6.0-" instead of "-6" or crashes after a sequence "0/0=" instead of showing "NaN" (original code is posted in a blog only). Some day I will contribute to comunity, but for now the goal is to make it easier for the employer to evaluate my skills.
I want to gather my work in one place and give a credit to actual authors of the program. I considered using
//Corrections to bot's logic. Handling forks. Stepan's code
But that doesn't feel right. How should I proceed when authors post their stub on GitHub or elsewhere?
Thanks in advance,
You can submit a pull request and make your contribution to the project. Once you push it with a commit mentioning the changes you have made, the original repository owner can decide whether or not to merge the branch you have created.
From [docs],
Pull requests let you tell others about changes you've pushed to a repository on GitHub. Once a pull request is sent, interested parties can review the set of changes, discuss potential modifications, and even push follow-up commits if necessary.