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Sending Python function as Boost.Function argument

Things are getting complicated in my world of trying to mesh Python code with my C++.

Essentially, I want to be able to assign a callback function to be used after an HTTP call receives a response, and I want to be able to do this from either C++ or Python.

In other words, I want to be able to call this from C++:

http.get_asyc("", [&](int a) { std::cout << "response recieved: " << a << std::endl; });

and this from Python:

def f(r):
    print str.format('response recieved: {}', r)

http.get_async('', f)

I have set up a demo on Coliru that shows exactly what I'm trying to accomplish. Here is the code and the error that I am getting:


#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>

struct http_manager
    void get_async(std::string url, boost::function<void(int)> on_response)
        if (on_response)
} http;

    boost::python::class_<http_manager>("HttpManager", boost::python::no_init)
        .def("get_async", &http_manager::get_async);

    boost::python::scope().attr("http") = boost::ref(http);


import example
def f(r):
    print r
example.http.get_async('', f)


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 4, in <module>
Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
    HttpManager.get_async(HttpManager, str, function)
did not match C++ signature:
    get_async(http_manager {lvalue}, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, boost::function<void (int)>)

I'm not sure why the function is not being converted to a boost::function automatically.

I have asked a vaguely similar question on SO before and got an amazing answer. I also wonder if a similar method in the answer given there could be applied to this use-case as well.

Thank you very much for any and all support!


  • When a function that has been exposed through Boost.Python is invoked, Boost.Python will query its registry to locate a suitable from-Python converter for each of the caller's arguments based on the desired C++ type. If a converter is found that knows how to convert from the Python object to the C++ object, then it will use the converter to construct the C++ object. If no suitable converters are found, then Boost.Python will raise an ArgumentError exception.

    The from-Python converters are registered:

    • automatically for types supported by Boost.Python, such as int and std::string
    • implicitly for types exposed by boost::python::class<T>. By default, the resulting Python class will hold an embedded instance of a T C++ object, and register to-Python and from-Python converters for the Python class and type T, using the embedded instance.
    • explicitly via boost::python::converter::registry::push_back()

    The steps of testing for convertibility and constructing an object occur in two distinct steps. As no from-Python converter has been registered for boost::function<void(int)>, Boost.Python will raise an ArgumentError exception. Boost.Python will not attempt construct the boost::function<void(int)> object, despite boost::function<void(int)> being constructible from a boost::python::object.

    To resolve this, consider using an shim function to defer the construction of boost::function<void(int)> until after the boost::python::object has passed through the Boost.Python layer:

    void http_manager_get_async_aux(
      http_manager& self, std::string url, boost::python::object on_response)
      return self.get_async(url, on_response);
      namespace python = boost::python;
      python::class_<http_manager>("HttpManager", python::no_init)
        .def("get_async", &http_manager_get_async_aux);

    Here is a complete example demonstrating this approach:

    #include <boost/python.hpp>
    #include <boost/function.hpp>
    struct http_manager
      void get_async(std::string url, boost::function<void(int)> on_response)
        if (on_response)
    } http;
    void http_manager_get_async_aux(
      http_manager& self, std::string url, boost::python::object on_response)
      return self.get_async(url, on_response);
      namespace python = boost::python;
      python::class_<http_manager>("HttpManager", python::no_init)
        .def("get_async", &http_manager_get_async_aux);
      python::scope().attr("http") = boost::ref(http);

    Interactive usage:

    >>> import example
    >>> result = 0
    >>> def f(r):
    ...     global result
    ...     result = r
    >>> assert(result == 0)
    >>> example.http.get_async('', f)
    >>> assert(result == 42)
    >>> try:
    ...     example.http.get_async('', 42)
    ...     assert(False)
    ... except TypeError:
    ...    pass

    An alternative approach is to explicitly register a from-Python converter for boost::function<void(int)>. This has the benefit that all functions exposed through Boost.Python can use the converter (e.g. one would not need to write a shim for each function). However, a convert would need to be registered for each C++ type. Here is an example demonstrating explicitly registering a custom converter for boost::function<void(int)> and boost::function<void(std::string)>:

    #include <boost/python.hpp>
    #include <boost/function.hpp>
    struct http_manager
      void get_async(std::string url, boost::function<void(int)> on_response)
        if (on_response)
    } http;
    /// @brief Type that allows for registration of conversions from
    ///        python iterable types.
    struct function_converter
      /// @note Registers converter from a python callable type to the
      ///       provided type.
      template <typename FunctionSig>
        // Support chaining.
        return *this;
      /// @brief Check if PyObject is callable.
      static void* convertible(PyObject* object)
        return PyCallable_Check(object) ? object : NULL;
      /// @brief Convert callable PyObject to a C++ boost::function.
      template <typename FunctionSig>
      static void construct(
        PyObject* object,
        boost::python::converter::rvalue_from_python_stage1_data* data)
        namespace python = boost::python;
        // Object is a borrowed reference, so create a handle indicting it is
        // borrowed for proper reference counting.
        python::handle<> handle(python::borrowed(object));
        // Obtain a handle to the memory block that the converter has allocated
        // for the C++ type.
        typedef boost::function<FunctionSig> functor_type;
        typedef python::converter::rvalue_from_python_storage<functor_type>
        void* storage = reinterpret_cast<storage_type*>(data)->storage.bytes;
        // Allocate the C++ type into the converter's memory block, and assign
        // its handle to the converter's convertible variable.
        new (storage) functor_type(python::object(handle));
        data->convertible = storage;
      namespace python = boost::python;
      python::class_<http_manager>("HttpManager", python::no_init)
        .def("get_async", &http_manager::get_async);
      python::scope().attr("http") = boost::ref(http);
      // Enable conversions for boost::function.
        // Chaining is supported, so the following would enable
        // another conversion.