I'm trying to write a single threaded non blocking program with the system call select
. However, it doesn't work well using file handlers.
Here is the code:
import sys
import select
while True:
file_handler = open('filename.txt')
inputs = [file_handler, sys.stdin]
_input, _output, _error = select.select(inputs, [], [])
except select.error, e:
print e
for i in _input:
txt = i.readline()
if len(txt) > 0:
print 'txt:', txt
It reaches the print message when there is a new input from stdin, but not when a new line is written to the file.
It works perfectly fine when using sockets
instead of files.
Which operating system are you using? Windows or UNIX or MacOS X or what?
Traditionally, the select() call on UNIX-likes systems will return files as "always readable" and "always writable" so trying to use select() for I/O multiplexing will not be useful.
On Windows, select() on files isn't expected to work at all, as it's a feature of the WinSock library.
There are various "file notify" functions and APIs that may be better for your particular case -- Python even has some libraries that abstracts the OS specific code. However, that won't natively interact with sockets very well, so I believe the best way to get a program that both "reacts to input sockets" and "reacts to file changes" without using polling, is to create one or more Python threads.