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Vaadin - Align icon on button

I'm working on a simple back/forward-navigation with Vaadin existing of two buttons, each with a label and an icon (arrows left and right).

navigator = getUI().getNavigator();
    if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(backViewID)) {
        backButton = new Button(backButtonI18n, IconCache.FAST_REWIND_BUTTON.getIconResource());

    if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(nextViewID)) {
        nextButton = new Button(nextButtonI18n, IconCache.FAST_FORWARD_BUTTON.getIconResource());

How can I align the icons on each button? Currently it looks like "<< Back" ">> Next", because icons are aligned on the left and text is aligned on the right side. I now want to align the icon for the next-button on the right side and the text on the left, to make it look like "<< Back" "Next >>".

I hope someone can help me with that.

Cheers, Hendrik


  • If you're using Valo, this is relatively easy. You just need to add a style name which is already shipped with the theme forwardButton.addStyleName(ValoTheme.BUTTON_ICON_ALIGN_RIGHT):

    public class ButtonsComponent extends HorizontalLayout {
        public ButtonsComponent() {
            Button backButton = new Button("Back", FontAwesome.ARROW_LEFT);
            Button forwardButton = new Button("Forward", FontAwesome.ARROW_RIGHT);

    Alternatively you can just copy the same exact CSS from the valo-button-icon-align-right-style into your theme, and add that particular style to your button: forwardButton.addStyleName("my-custom-button-with-right-alligned-icon");

    .my-custom-button-with-right-alligned-icon {
      [class*="wrap"] {
        display: inline-block;
      .v-icon {
        float: right;
        $padding-width: ceil($v-unit-size/2.4);
        margin-left: $padding-width + ceil($padding-width/-5);
        + span:not(:empty) {
          margin-left: 0;

    Either way, you should end up with something similar to:
