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How do you define trait using Fabrication

I am learning how to use fabrication in Rails and we have decided to replace all our factory_girl code with fabrication.

Suppose we have this code in factory_girl

FactoryGirl.define do
  factory :user do
  trait(:no_credits) { credits 0 }
  trait(:with_credits) { credits 300 }

How will you define this in Fabrication? I have gone through their website but couldn't find anything regarding this. Will appreciate your help


  • Seems that your are looking for Fabricator inheritance, this is what the docs says:

    You can inherit attributes from other fabricators by using the :from attribute.

    Fabricator(:llc, from: :company) do
      type "LLC"

    Setting the :from option will inherit the class and all the attributes from the named Fabricator.

    You can also explicitly specify the class being fabricated with the :class_name parameter.

    Fabricator(:llc, class_name: :company) do
      type "LLC"