I've followed instruction from here. But unfortunately it doesn't work at all.
According to documentation I should:
interface.void onBootstrap()
.Which I've done.
Here are my classes:
package pl.daniel.cms.client.gin;
import com.google.gwt.core.shared.GWT;
import com.gwtplatform.mvp.client.Bootstrapper;
public class MyBootstrapper implements Bootstrapper {
public void onBootstrap() {
GWT.log("Bootstraper Test");
<set-configuration-property name="gwtp.bootstrapper" value="pl.daniel.cms.client.gin.MyBootstrapper"/>
But it doesn't work.
I use <gwtp.version>1.5.2</gwtp.version>
Actually it works. The bootstrapper will be, well, bootstrapped (if you put a breakpoint on your GWT.log statement you'll see it executed + some additional magic there)
Also, you're not revealing the place after custom bootstrapping. Please change it to
PlaceManager placeManager;
public void onBootstrap() {
logger.fine("Hi there");
placeManager.revealPlace(new PlaceRequest.Builder().nameToken(NameTokens.HOME).build());
To see at least something on the screen