I think the title explains pretty much everything.
But once again, how would you explain the roles & purposes of these two terms about displaying webcontent in Qt
applications? If I use a WebView
, does it automatically involve QtWebEngine
or is it something else?
I have read in Wikipedia that Qt
uses Blink as web engine, however on Qt
's official pages they don't mention the term Blink
Since I can't comment directly on your post for low reputation reason, I am answering here. This question is very related : QWebView or QWebEngineView.
Basically, QWebView uses WebKit as the backend, whereas QWebEngineView uses Chromium as the backend. These two links may interest you, both referring to the latest version of Qt (5.6) :
QWebView : http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtwebview-webview.html#details
QWebEngineView : http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtwebengine-webengineview.html#details
I am currently working with QWebEngineView and everything works pretty fine, I haven't tested QWebView though.