I'm trying to fetch some records from MSSQL DB using EntityObject with EntitySQL query. The field i'm using to filter is type of datetime. The generated query projected without millisecond, to the SQL Server returns nothing. When i'm adding the milliseconds, i get results.
How can i use the EntitySQL to get result without the milliseconds?
It's not elegant, but this worked for me:
foos.SingleOrDefault(f => f.EntryDate.Year == bar.EntryDate.Year &&
f.EntryDate.Month == bar.EntryDate.Month &&
f.EntryDate.Day == bar.EntryDate.Day &&
f.EntryDate.Hour == bar.EntryDate.Hour &&
f.EntryDate.Minute == bar.EntryDate.Minute &&
f.EntryDate.Second == bar.EntryDate.Second);