In Theano, when I have a 3D tensor x
with shape [A,B,C] and a 2D tensor y
with shape [C,D], then, y)
returns a 3D tensor with shape [A,B,D].
What would be the equivalent operation in Torch?
doesn't seem to do that, and x * y
complain that they want a 2D tensor for both arguments, and torch.bmm
wants 3D tensors for both arguments.
As @smhx proposed, the possible solution is to repeat the second tensor (there's a way to do it without memory allocating) and then perform a batch matrix matrix product:
function repeatNoCopy(tensor, k)
local tens_size = tensor:size():totable()
return torch.expand(tensor:view(1, unpack(tens_size)), k, unpack(tens_size))
A = torch.rand(3, 2, 5)
B = torch.rand(5, 4)
B_rep = repeatNoCopy(B, 3)
result = torch.bmm(A, B_rep)
> [torch.DoubleTensor of size 3x2x4]