I'm trying to setup python-based app Weblate. When I launch Weblate with manage.py, everything is OK, but if I want to use some WSGI server like gunicorn or uWSGI, the Weblate's home page looks like plain text with hyperlinks without formatting and pictures.
Server configuration:
Weblate weblate-2.5-7-gb1c4d0b
Python 2.7.5
Django 1.9.4
six 1.10.0
python-social-auth 0.2.14
Translate Toolkit 1.11.0
Whoosh 2.5.7
Pillow (PIL) 1.1.7
dateutil 1.5
lxml 3.2.1
django-crispy-forms 1.6.0
compressor 2.0
pyuca N/A
pyLibravatar N/A
Database backends: django.db.backends.mysql
uWSGI ini file:
plugins = python
master = true
protocol = uwsgi
socket =
wsgi-file = /usr/local/weblate/weblate/wsgi.py
python-path = /usr/local/weblate
import os
from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "weblate.settings")
application = get_wsgi_application()
See Serving static files in Weblate documentation, it even has examples for Apache, nginx and lighttpd.