I have searched and found so many answers but nothing that fits my requirement. I will try to explain here and see if any of you guys have some tips.
I wish to click on a link manually and from there on; I wish that some kind of tool or service starts recording time from my click and stops when the desired page is loaded. This way, I am able to find out the exact user interface response time.
All the online web testing services ask for main URL. In my case the main URL has gazillion links and I wish to use only 1 link as standard sample which is a dynamic link
For example: - I click on my friend's name on Facebook - From my click to the time page is loaded, if there's a tool that does the stop watch thing?
End goal is:
I will be stress testing a server with extensive load and client wishes to see response time of simple random pages when load is at 500, 1000, 2000 and so on.
Please help!
Thank you.
http Watch and Fiddler helped. Didn't really go as I had thought but pretty Close and satsifactory. Thanks guys