I have 2 questions with respective re-usable React Components.
I would like to have to React Component which should take the props
object from the data-
attribute from the HTML, this should happen onload instead of event. The examples shown in the React Docs use props within the ReactDOM.render
method. I couldn't find an example where we retrieve props from data
I would also like to reuse the React Component without duplicating the ReactDOM.render
, instead just change the props and mount the component(s) based on their class name.
[Sample Example] I have the HTML markup as,
<div class="blog" id="Politics" data-title="Political Science"></div>
Some description text..
<div class="blog" id="Economics" data-title="World Economy"></div>
The React Component is,
var propTitle = {
'title': getTitle() //Function to retrieve data-title from respective component.
var Blog = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
ReactDOM.render(<Blog blogtitle={propTitle.title}/>,document.querySelectorAll('.blog'));
For convenience, JSFiddle is here!
Something like this?
var blogs = document.querySelectorAll('.blog');
for(var i = 0; i < blogs.length; i++){
function createComponent(blog){
ReactDOM.render(<Blog blogtitle={blog.dataset.title} />, blog)
Fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/rtLux0f6/1/