I have created a small script in Photoshop Extendscript & now wish to add the ability to open a pdf help file from within the script.
I have already created the help file in pdf format and it is located inside a folder called 'assets' which is located in the scripts own parent folder.
I have tried fruitlessly to get the pdf file to display, I just keep getting the error message 'was not found'
Here is my code snippet:
BTNg.HelpBtn.onClick = function(){
var STShelp = (new File($.fileName)).parent + '/assets/Help.pdf';
if (STShelp.exists){
catch(e){alert('Help ' + STShelp + ' failed to open.');};
else {alert('Help file ' + STShelp + ' was not found.');}
The first alert is purely there for me to check the path held within the variable STShelp. The path displayed in this alert is:
which is exactly the correct path, as:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)\Presets\Scripts\Star Trail Stacker\assets\Help.pdf
but then this error is thrown:
Help file /c/Program%20Files/Adobe/Adobe%20Photoshop%20CS6%20(64%20Bit)/Presets/Scripts/Star%20Trail%20Stacker/assets/Help.pdf was not found.
I know the path that is held in the STShelp variable looks a little strange with it's forward slashes & the leading forward slash but I have been assured that this is how Extendscript interprets paths.
I have had some kind of action by changing the line:
var STShelp = (new File($.fileName)).parent + '/assets/Help.pdf';
var STShelp = (new File($.fileName)).parent;
the alert then shows the path as:
which is the Parent folder for the script & when I click the OK button on this alert dialog a folder explorer window opens at this Parent location expecting a manual search to the Help.pdf file by opening the contained 'assets' folder.
If I do this, the Help.pdf does indeed display, so there is nothing screwy with the pdf file itself, I just cannot seem to get to it programmatically.
Any help would be appreciated.
You should get your file like this:
var path = File($.fileName).parent.fsName + '/assets/Help.pdf';
var pdf = File(path);