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how to show Android Application only for Handset or Phone not for tablet in Google Play Store

I am developing application where minsdk 8 and targetsdk 23 which is only support phone device screen not for tablet so, i required some attribute in manifest for phone or handset only so, Google play store apply correct filtering based on attributes in manifest and application is only available for phone not for tablet. i have searched regarding that i have found Android official doc that says supports-screens android:requiresSmallestWidthDp="600"

Caution: The Android system does not pay attention to this attribute, so it does not affect how your application behaves at runtime. Instead, it is used to enable filtering for your application on services such as Google Play. However, Google Play currently does not support this attribute for filtering (on Android 3.2), so you should continue using the other size attributes if your application does not support small screens. but as per doc says in Caution Google Play currently does not support this attribute for filtering. so i m confused so, what attributes are required in manifest for support in Phone screen.please help me to solve this issue.Thanks in Advance.


  • Have you tried link

    I think you need to set android:xlargeScreens="false"

            android:smallScreens="true" />