I have two hierarchy of inheritance that needs to get mapped. one hierarchy is domestic and the other is wild. I have abstract DomesticAnimal and concrete DomesticCat and DomesticDog extending it. In the second hierarchy, I have abstract WildAnimal and concrete WildCat and WildDog extending it. I have two more classes which are WildAnimalFeederhaving member object of WildAnimal and DomesticAnimalFeeder having member object of DomesticAnimal. considering the field names are identical in both hierarchies, what would be a correct dozer mapping of it? I will soon attach dozer configuration that I have tried and failed.
The resolution was adding a resource/META-INF/spring-devtools.properties with following lines restart.include.dozer=/dozer-5.5.1.jar.
spring boot dev was causing the classes to be mapped to be loaded twice.