I have the following hibernate/grails domain classes, this is a legacy database and i don't have an option to remodel these.
class Contact {
String firstName
String lastName
class Company {
String name
class Customer {
Company company
Contact contact
Customer can be a Company or a Contact, So now i have a usecase where i need to sort the customer by names. (In case of company use name and incase of contact use firstName + lastName).
I have looked around hibernate source to find if there is a way to hack in to support order by using switch case, but not successful. Anyone ran into similar usecase ? How did you handle this usecase or any suggestions ?
Finally able to come up with a solution. This is not a very generic solution, tailored specific to my usecase.
def instances = searchCriteria.list(criteria) {
createAlias('customer', 'cust', CriteriaSpecification.INNER_JOIN)
createAlias('cust.company', 'cmp', CriteriaSpecification.LEFT_JOIN)
createAlias('cust.user', 'user', CriteriaSpecification.LEFT_JOIN)
if(sortCol) {
if(sortCol == 'customer') {
order(CustomerOrder.by('cust', 'cmp', direction))
else {
order(sortCol, direction)
Here is my CustomerOrder Class that extends the Hibernate Order
import org.hibernate.criterion.Order;
import org.hibernate.criterion.CriteriaQuery;
import org.hibernate.Criteria;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
public class CustomerOrder extends Order {
private String companyAlias
private String userAlias
private boolean ascending
protected CustomerOrder(String userAlias, String companyAlias, boolean ascending) {
super("", true);
this.companyAlias = companyAlias
this.userAlias = userAlias
this.ascending = ascending
public String toString() {
return companyAlias + "-" + userAlias;
public String toSqlString(Criteria criteria, CriteriaQuery criteriaQuery) throws HibernateException {
String[] firstName = criteriaQuery.getColumnsUsingProjection(
criteria, "${userAlias}.firstName");
String[] lastName = criteriaQuery.getColumnsUsingProjection(
criteria, "${userAlias}.lastName");
String[] companyId = criteriaQuery.getColumnsUsingProjection(
criteria, "${companyAlias}.id");
String[] companyName = criteriaQuery.getColumnsUsingProjection(
criteria, "${companyAlias}.name");
CASE WHEN ${companyId[0]} IS NULL
THEN LOWER(RTRIM(LTRIM(${lastName[0]} + ', ' + ${firstName[0]})))
ELSE LOWER(RTRIM(LTRIM(${companyName[0]})))
END ${ascending ? "asc" : "desc" }
public static Order by(String userAlias, String companyAlias, String direction) {
boolean ascending = (!direction || direction.equalsIgnoreCase('asc'));
return new CustomerOrder(userAlias, companyAlias, ascending);