I am currently working on the MARIE SIMULATOR and I am attempting to get three inputted decimals, and multiply all of them together.
For some reason my code keeps spitting out answers that are way larger then expected. For instance 2 x 2 x 2 gives me 18. I ran it step by step and it seems like the Skipcond is running an extra time for each cycle. I tried tweaking it by incrementing it to Skipcond 001 and changing the input values to Hex since I saw something similar in my book but the issue persists. Anyone have any ideas?
ORG 100 /Starting point // Gustavo Brandao. No Partners
Input /Request user input for first number
Store NumA /Store the number
Output /Display number to screen
Input /Request user for a second number
Store NumB /Store number
Output /Display number
Input /Request user for third number
Store NumC /Show number
Output /Display number
Loop, Load NumA /Load the first number, will also loop from here
Add Sum /Add with zero and location which will save the sum
Store Sum /Store the sum
Load NumB /Load the second number for the skip condition control
Subt One /decrement the number
Store NumB /Store the number. when 0, code will skip the jump
Skipcond 000 /Skip when the second number reaches zero
Jump Loop /Used to repeat addition until second number reaches zero
Load Sum
Store NumA /Storing sum in NumA slot to make code easier to read
Loop2, Load NumA /Loading the previous sum
Add FSum /Adding previous sum to zero and final sum location
Store FSum /Storing final sum
Load NumC /Second skip condition control
Subt One /decrememting number
Store NumC /Storing skip condition
Skipcond 000 /When the third inputed number is zero, loop will end
Jump Loop2 /Loops back to second part of code
Load FSum /load the final sum for output
Output /Display final sum
NumA, Dec 0 /First number; Will be overwritten with input
NumB, Dec 0 /Second number
NumC, Dec 0 /Third number
Sum, Dec 0 /Stores the sum for the first multiplication process
FSum, Dec 0 /Stores sum for the second multiplication process
One, Dec 1 /Used to decrement values
Edit:: Used older version of code. Corrected code by changing second "Loop" to "Loop2".
Issue persists with getting the incorrect answer to the multiplication. The issue appears to be with the Skipcond 000 although Im not sure what it is
It looks like you are using the same label "Loop" on more than one line. For the second loop you should use another label.
And your SKIPCOND should be 400, not 000. 000 means skip if negative 400 means skip if 0
So actually your code calculates 2 x 3 x 3, instead of 2 x 2 x 2.
By the way, I do not know which simulator you use, but I have developed a simple MARIE Simulator iPad app for one of the graduate CS classes I even do not remember. You can check it here: https://github.com/erkanyildiz/MARIESimulator It might help to visualize running of your code.