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Etsy API won't return store's listings

Working on my first API call for a WordPress widget I am confused why the request is returning nothing when I try to target a store. When I read the documentation I saw findAllShops and tried:

$apikey = 'xxxxxxxxxx';
$apishop = 'FooBar';

$apiurl = '' . $apishop . '/listings/active?api_key=' . $apikey;


$apiurl = '' . $apishop . '/listings/active?method=GET&api_key=:' . $apikey;

but my JSON file returns blank. Referencing the tag I was led to Getting all listing images from an Etsy shop but when I tried to use:

$apikey = 'xxxxxxxxxx';
$apishop = 'FooBar';

$apiurl = '' . $apishop . '/listings/active?api_key=' . $apikey;

my JSON file returned blank. After researching Etsy's API documentation it does say that getShop method should get the parameters of shop_id with type array in the form of id or name. How can I get the API to return JSON for a shop by it's name and NOT by the id?


After comments, I was under the impression I am able to pull shop name from:

enter image description here

and when I visit array(shop_id_or_name) I get:

Either a shop's numeric ID or login name. (Note: shop IDs are not interchangeable with user IDs.)

I could be misunderstanding it but based on that I thought I was able to get the shop's name.

I also tried these on Apigee's etsy console and when I select the method findAllShops I get the request URL:

and I took this and added my token. Still returns a blank JSON file.


  • Your request string is all correct, except the colon (:) before the shop_id.

    For example:

    Returns all shops$apikey

    Return a specific shop by ID or name$shop_id_or_name?api_key=$apikey

    Return all active listings from a specific shop$shop_id_or_name/listings/active?api_key=$apikey

    All tested on Apigee's etsy console