I need a small lexer/2
in prolog, currently I have
tokens(Z) --> "while", tokens(Y), {Z = [ttwhile | Y]}.
tokens(Z) --> "do", tokens(Y), {Z = [ttdo | Y]}.
tokens(Z) --> "endwhile", tokens(Y), {Z = [ttendwhile | Y]}.
tokens(Z) --> "repeat", tokens(Y), {Z = [ttrepeat | Y]}.
tokens(Z) --> "until", tokens(Y), {Z = [ttuntil | Y]}.
tokens(Z) --> "endrepeat", tokens(Y), {Z = [ttendrepeat | Y]}.
tokens(Z) --> "if", tokens(Y), {Z = [ttif | Y]}.
tokens(Z) --> "then", tokens(Y), {Z = [ttthen | Y]}.
tokens(Z) --> "else", tokens(Y), {Z = [ttelse | Y]}.
tokens(Z) --> "endif", tokens(Y), {Z = [ttendif | Y]}.
tokens(Z) --> "exit", tokens(Y), {Z = [ttexit | Y]}.
tokens(Z) --> "other", tokens(Y), {Z = [ttother | Y]}.
% Comparison operators.
tokens(Z) --> "==", tokens(Y), {Z = [equal | Y]}.
tokens(Z) --> "<>", tokens(Y), {Z = [notequal | Y]}.
% Assignment operator.
tokens(Z) --> ":=", tokens(Y), {Z = [:= | Y]}.
% Boolean constants and operators.
tokens(Z) --> "true", tokens(Y), {Z = [true | Y]}.
tokens(Z) --> "false", tokens(Y), {Z = [false | Y]}.
tokens(Z) --> "and", tokens(Y), {Z = [and | Y]}.
tokens(Z) --> "or", tokens(Y), {Z = [or | Y]}.
tokens(Z) --> " ", tokens(Y), {Z = Y}.
tokens(Z) --> " ", tokens(Y), {Z = Y}.
tokens(Z) --> [C], tokens(Y), {name(X, [C]), Z = [X | Y]}.
tokens(Z) --> [], {Z = []}.
Can anyone help me with the next step for lexer/2
so that when I call
lexer([while,a,==,b,do,abc,endwhile], R)
, I could get R = [ttwhile, a, equal, b, ttdo, abc, ttendwhile]
Thank you very much.
well, this 'glue' - more or less - solves your request:
lexer(L, Tokens) :-
atomic_list_concat(L, ' ', A),
atom_codes(A, Cs),
phrase(tokens(Tokens), Cs).
?- lexer([while,a,==,b,do,abc,endwhile], R).
R = [ttwhile, a, equal, b, ttdo, a, b, c, ttendwhile] ;
R = [ttwhile, a, equal, b, ttdo, a, b, c, e|...] ;
but you should really rewrite in declarative style:
token(ttwhile) --> "while".
token(ttendwhile) --> "endwhile".
token(ttdo) --> "do".
token(equal) --> "==".
token(notequal) --> "<>".
token(assign) --> ":=".
% this is wrong: symbols overlap with alphabetic tokens
token(N) --> [C], {atom_codes(N,[C])}.
tokens([]) --> [].
tokens(Ts) --> " ", tokens(Ts).
tokens([T|Ts]) --> token(T), tokens(Ts).
lexer(Cs, Tokens) :-
phrase(tokens(Tokens), Cs).
and call passing a codes list, a double quoted (or backquoted, if you're using SWI) string
?- lexer(`while abc endwhile`, R).
R = [ttwhile, a, b, c, ttendwhile] ;
R = [ttwhile, a, b, c, e, n, d, ttwhile] ;
to tokenize names (well, only lowercase, for simplicity), replace the above token(N) --> [C], {atom_codes(N,[C])}.
token(N) --> lower_case_chars(Cs), {Cs \= [], atom_codes(N,Cs)}.
lower_case_chars([C|Cs]) --> lower_case_char(C), lower_case_chars(Cs).
lower_case_chars([]) --> [].
lower_case_char(C) --> [C], {C>=0'a, C=<0'z}.
but it becomes a little verbose, when you add also upper_case_chars, digits, etc... it's worth to generalize, passing the characters range boundary, or use code_type/2:
token(N) --> csymf(C), csyms(Cs), {atom_codes(N,[C|Cs])}.
csymf(C) --> [C], {code_type(C,csymf)}.
csyms([C|Cs]) --> [C], {code_type(C,csym)}, csyms(Cs).
csyms([]) --> [].