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Calculating Weighted Average with LINQ

My goal is to get a weighted average from one table, based on another tables primary key.

Example Data:



0200    0


ForeignKey    Length    Value
0200          105       52
0200          105       60
0200          105       54
0200          105       -1
0200          47        55

I need to get a weighted average based on the length of a segment and I need to ignore values of -1. I know how to do this in SQL, but my goal is to do this in LINQ. It looks something like this in SQL:

SELECT Sum(t2.Value*t2.Length)/Sum(t2.Length) AS WEIGHTED_AVERAGE
FROM Table1 t1, Table2 t2
WHERE t2.Value <> -1
AND t2.ForeignKey = t1.Key;

I am still pretty new to LINQ, and having a hard time figuring out how I would translate this. The result weighted average should come out to roughly 55.3. Thank you.


  • Here's an extension method for LINQ.

    public static double WeightedAverage<T>(this IEnumerable<T> records, Func<T, double> value, Func<T, double> weight)
        if(records == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(records), $"{nameof(records)} is null.");
        int count = 0;
        double valueSum = 0;
        double weightSum = 0;
        foreach (var record in records)
            double recordWeight = weight(record);
            valueSum += value(record) * recordWeight;
            weightSum += recordWeight;
        if (count == 0)
            throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(records)} is empty.");
        if (count == 1)
            return value(records.Single());
        if (weightSum != 0)
            return valueSum / weightSum;
            throw new DivideByZeroException($"Division of {valueSum} by zero.");

    This has become extremely handy because I can get a weighted average of any group of data based on another field within the same record.


    I now check for dividing by zero and throw a more detailed exception instead of returning 0. Allows user to catch the exception and handle as needed.