I am having trouble using powershell and pslogged on to pull the information of "the last logged on user" and the "logged on timestamp" from the psloggedon tool. Basically what I am trying to do is to read from a text file with all the list of the servers'name, and then use pslogged on on them to get the info. So if I run the following command separately, it works
psloogedon \\server1
but when I do this in powershell it doesn't work
$content = [IO.File]::ReadAllText("C:\assets.txt")
Foreach($computer in $content)
Invoke-Expression "psloggedon -x -l \\$computer"
} Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation loggedon.csv
and in the assets.txt we have the following content:
How can i build based on this to 1) make the script work to use psloggedon to get the information 2) parse the loggedon user, the computer name and the timestamp into a CSV with 3 columns file?
Any help is appreciated....
this worked for me
get-content 'C:\assets.txt' | % {
$computer = $_
. 'c:\pstools\PsLoggedon.exe' -accepteula -x -l \\$Computer 2>$null |
? {$_ -match '^\s{2,}((?<domain>\w+)\\(?<user>\S+))|(?<user>\S+)'} |
Select-Object `
@{n='User';e={$Matches.User}} |
? user -notmatch '^Connecting$|^Users$|^NT$'
} | epcsv 'c:\loggedon.csv' -not
another example
gc 'C:\assets.txt' | % {
$computer = $_
. 'c:\pstools\PsLoggedon.exe' -accepteula -l \\$Computer 2>$null |
? {$_ -match '^\s{2,}(?<time>.*)\s{2,}(?<user>.*)'} | % {
New-Object psobject -prop @{
Computer = $computer
Time = $Matches.time.Trim()
User = $Matches.user.Trim()
} | ? user -notmatch '^Connecting$|^Users$|^NT$'
} | epcsv 'c:\loggedon.csv' -not
if you're using a csv, you would just replace the first two lines like this
import-csv 'C:\assets.csv' | % {
$computer = $_.computers
or this
import-csv 'C:\assets.csv' | select -exp computers -u | % {
$computer = $_