Hi anyone can please help me how to store Emojis in Firebase? I am trying like below but the app is crashing while i run.
let emoji = emoji.unicodeScalars
USER_REF.childByAppendingPath(friendUID as String).childByAppendingPath("messages").setValue(emoji, forKey: "emoji")
My intention here was converting an emoji into unicode, and saving in to the firebase database.
Emoticons are unicode characters and can be stored by their actual value. So for example a smile face is 1F642.
There's a wiki on that topic it has a chart and cross reference on it; search for Emoticons (Unicode_block)
To save to Firebase
let smiley = "\U0001F642"
smileyRef.setValue: smiley
To read from Firebase:
Read the value from Firebase and stuff it into a string that will allow it to be a unicode char. Then to present the string UI, assign that string to a text field that supports unicode; NSTextField in this case.
self.myTextField.stringValue = smiley;