Been trying to solve this for a bit and can't seem to figure it out.
I have the following script:
$Servers = Get-Content -Path "C:\Utilities_PowerShell\ServerList.txt"
$IISServiceName1 = 'W3SVC'
$IISServiceName2 = 'IISAdmin'
$IISServiceName3 = 'WAS'
$IISarrService = Get-Service -Name $IISServiceName1,$IISServiceName2,$IISServiceName3
$IISarrServiceCheck = Get-Service -Name $IISServiceName1,$IISServiceName2,$IISServiceName3 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable NoService
function IISServiceStatus # Checks for status of IIS services
param (
if (Get-Service -Name $IISServiceName1,$IISServiceName2,$IISServiceName3)
Write-Host "Status of IIS service(s) on $env:ComputerName :"
Get-Service -Name $IISServiceName1,$IISServiceName2,$IISServiceName3 | Select Name,DisplayName,Status | Format-Table -AutoSize
Write-Host " No IIS service(s) were found..." -foreground "red"
$Sessions = New-PSSession -ComputerName $Servers
$EndJobs = $Sessions | ForEach-Object {
Invoke-Command -Session $_ -ScriptBlock ${function:IISServiceStatus} -AsJob -ArgumentList $IISServiceName1, $IISServiceName2, $IISServiceName3, $IISarrService, $IISarrServiceCheck | Wait-Job | Receive-Job
Write-Host " "
Whenever I run it, all I get is the output of:
Status of IIS service(s) on *PC* :
If I run the function outside of a loop/invoke-command, the results are absolutely perfect. What is wrong with my remote loop?
I've tried putting the variables inside the function, I've tried running invoke-command without the argument list, etc.
Update: 3/17/16
Turns out...if I run my actual script as is, the result of $EndJobs
is weird in that it outputs ALL services in one table and then the three IIS services in another table. This would explain why when I run my invoke-command (stopIIS) scriptblock...I had to reboot the whole server because it took all of the services down.
These functions run PERFECTLY when not run via remote/invoke-command.
What the heck...invoke-command is seriously screwing with my stuff!
Anyone have any ideas/tips on how I can run my local script (which works 100%) on a set of servers from a text file without weird issues like this? Is invoke-command the only way?
do you have the same problem if you wrap it all into the script block like this?
$Servers = Get-Content 'C:\Utilities_PowerShell\ServerList.txt'
$Sessions = New-PSSession -ComputerName $Servers
$EndJobs = $Sessions | ForEach-Object {
Invoke-Command -Session $_ -ScriptBlock {
$IISServiceName1 = 'W3SVC'
$IISServiceName2 = 'IISAdmin'
$IISServiceName3 = 'WAS'
$IISarrService = Get-Service -Name $IISServiceName1,$IISServiceName2,$IISServiceName3
$IISarrServiceCheck = Get-Service -Name $IISServiceName1,$IISServiceName2,$IISServiceName3 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable NoService
function IISServiceStatus { # Checks for status of IIS services
param (
if (Get-Service -Name $IISServiceName1,$IISServiceName2,$IISServiceName3) {
Write-Host "Status of IIS service(s) on $env:ComputerName :"
Get-Service -Name $IISServiceName1,$IISServiceName2,$IISServiceName3 | Select Name,DisplayName,Status | Format-Table -AutoSize
} else {
Write-Host ' No IIS service(s) were found...' -ForegroundColor Red
IISServiceStatus $IISServiceName1 $IISServiceName2 $IISServiceName3 $IISarrService $IISarrServiceCheck
} -AsJob | Wait-Job | Receive-Job
Write-Host ' '