i have this scenario :
after query i have this table in DataSet :
Name | Module | Date | Approvation
xx | xxx | xxx | xxxxxxxx
yy | yyy | yyy | yyyyyyyyy
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
// dgvApprovazione is a datagridview
dgvApprovazione.DataSource = dt
now in this situation i have at 4 columns type text(string): Name,Module,Date,Approvation...
I want column Module is a link to file... then xxx is a link, yyy is a link ... and other..
i have look DataGridViewLinkColumn but i don't know if that's a good way and how to set ..
The DataGridViewLinkColumn
is the way to go, and implementing it should be as simple as:
this.dataGridView1.CellContentClick += DataGridView1_CellContentClick;
this.dataGridView1.DataBindingComplete += DataGridView1_DataBindingComplete;
private void DataGridView1_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
if (this.dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[e.ColumnIndex] is DataGridViewLinkCell)
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(this.dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[e.ColumnIndex].Value as string);
private void DataGridView1_DataBindingComplete(object sender, DataGridViewBindingCompleteEventArgs e)
foreach (DataGridViewRow row in this.dataGridView1.Rows)
row.Cells["Module"] = new DataGridViewLinkCell();
Main source of this answer came from this SO answer, minus the conditional check. The other answers are also informative.