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R sem function in lavaan WARNING: could not compute standard errors

I'm having a problem with the sem() function in the 'lavaan' package in R and I was hoping someone here might have thoughts on how I can fix it.

My model is set up as follows:

mod <- 'trait ~ historical1 + historical 2 + contemporary1 + contemporary2
abundance ~ contemporary1 + contemporary2 + trait
bacteria ~ historical1 + historical 2 + contemporary1 + contemporary2 + trait + abundance'

My exogenous variables (historical1, historical 2, contemporary1, and contemporary2) are categorical variables that I manipulated for my experiment with two possible levels. I'm treating those as dummy variables with 0's and 1's. Everything else is a numeric measurement.

I have three different variables for "bacteria" that I'm trying to look at separately. When I use the first (bacteria1), the model runs smoothly.

> modA<-'trait ~ historical1 + historical 2 + contemporary1 + contemporary2
+ abundance ~ contemporary1 + contemporary2 + trait
+ bacteria1 ~ historical1 + historical 2 + contemporary1 + contemporary2 + trait + abundance'
> fit<-sem(modA,data=data,meanstructure=T)
Warning message:
In lav_data_full(data = data, group = group, group.label = group.label,  :
  lavaan WARNING: some observed variances are (at least) a factor 1000 times larger than others; use varTable(fit) to investigate
> fitmeasures(fit)
               fmin               chisq                  df              pvalue 
              0.154              24.028               2.000               0.000 
     baseline.chisq         baseline.df     baseline.pvalue                 cfi 
            114.474              15.000               0.000               0.779 
                tli                nnfi                 rfi                 nfi 
             -0.661              -0.661               1.000               0.790 
               pnfi                 ifi                 rni                logl 
              0.105               0.804               0.779           -1605.897 
  unrestricted.logl                npar                 aic                 bic 
          -1593.883              19.000            3249.794            3294.572 
             ntotal                bic2               rmsea 
             78.000            3234.670               0.376               0.251        rmsea.pvalue                 rmr          rmr_nomean 
              0.517               0.000              40.988              45.826 
               srmr        srmr_bentler srmr_bentler_nomean         srmr_bollen 
              0.080               0.080               0.089               0.080 
 srmr_bollen_nomean          srmr_mplus   srmr_mplus_nomean               cn_05 
              0.089               0.080               0.089              20.450 
              cn_01                 gfi                agfi                pgfi 
             30.899               0.997               0.946               0.057 
                mfi                ecvi 
              0.868                  NA 
> summary(fit)
lavaan (0.5-16) converged normally after 145 iterations

  Number of observations                            78

  Estimator                                         ML
  Minimum Function Test Statistic               24.028
  Degrees of freedom                                 2
  P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000

Parameter estimates:

  Information                                 Expected
  Standard Errors                             Standard

                   Estimate  Std.err  Z-value  P(>|z|)
  trait ~
    historical1       8.722   39.607    0.220    0.826
    historical2      89.529   39.607    2.260    0.024
    contemporary1     6.737   39.621    0.170    0.865
    contemporary2   411.556   39.621   10.387    0.000
  abundance ~
    contemporary1   -36.390   81.354   -0.447    0.655
    contemporary2   424.993  123.301    3.447    0.001
    trait            -0.251    0.225   -1.116    0.265
  bacteria1 ~
    historical1      -2.342    2.455   -0.954    0.340
    historical2      -2.142    2.533   -0.845    0.398
    contemporary1    -0.268    2.459   -0.109    0.913
    contemporary2     3.410    4.059    0.840    0.401
    trait             0.000    0.007    0.031    0.975
    abundance        -0.008    0.003   -2.451    0.014

    trait          1299.789   44.285   29.351    0.000
    abundance      1438.077  311.643    4.614    0.000
    bacteria1        26.805   10.717    2.501    0.012

    trait         30569.613 4895.056
    abundance     128842.663 20631.338
    bacteria1       117.383   18.796

However, when I use either of the other two bacterial variables, I receive a warning "could not compute standard errors!".

    > modB<-'trait ~ historical1 + historical 2 + contemporary1 + contemporary2
    + abundance ~ contemporary1 + contemporary2 + trait
    + bacteria2 ~ historical1 + historical 2 + contemporary1 + contemporary2 + trait + abundance'
    > fit<-sem(modB,data=data,meanstructure=T)
    Warning messages:
    1: In lav_data_full(data = data, group = group, group.label = group.label,  :
      lavaan WARNING: some observed variances are (at least) a factor 1000 times larger than others; use varTable(fit) to investigate
    2: In lav_model_vcov(lavmodel = lavmodel, lavsamplestats = lavsamplestats,  :
      lavaan WARNING: could not compute standard errors!
> fitmeasures(fit)
               fmin               chisq                  df              pvalue      baseline.chisq 
              0.154              24.028               2.000               0.000             126.602 
        baseline.df     baseline.pvalue                 cfi                 tli                nnfi 
             15.000               0.000               0.803              -0.480              -0.480 
                rfi                 nfi                pnfi                 ifi                 rni 
              1.000               0.810               0.108               0.823               0.803 
               logl   unrestricted.logl                npar                 aic                 bic 
          -1277.674           -1265.660              19.000            2593.348            2638.126 
             ntotal                bic2               rmsea 
             78.000            2578.224               0.376               0.251               0.517 
       rmsea.pvalue                 rmr          rmr_nomean                srmr        srmr_bentler 
              0.000              15.075              16.855               0.078               0.078 
srmr_bentler_nomean         srmr_bollen  srmr_bollen_nomean          srmr_mplus   srmr_mplus_nomean 
              0.087               0.078               0.087               0.078               0.087 
              cn_05               cn_01                 gfi                agfi                pgfi 
             20.450              30.899               0.997               0.945               0.057 
                mfi                ecvi 
              0.868                  NA 
> summary(fit)
lavaan (0.5-16) converged normally after 115 iterations

  Number of observations                            78

  Estimator                                         ML
  Minimum Function Test Statistic               24.028
  Degrees of freedom                                 2
  P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000

Parameter estimates:

  Information                                 Expected
  Standard Errors                             Standard

                   Estimate  Std.err  Z-value  P(>|z|)
  trait ~
    historical1       8.723
    historical2      89.530
    contemporary1     6.737
    contemporary2   411.556
  abundance ~
    contemporary1   -36.390
    contemporary2   424.993
    trait            -0.251
  bacteria2 ~
    historical1       0.020
    historical2      -0.038
    contemporary1    -0.075
    contemporary2    -0.071
    trait            -0.000
    abundance        -0.000

    trait          1299.788
    abundance      1438.077
    bacteria2         0.367

    trait         30569.606
    abundance     128842.668
    bacteria2         0.026

    > modC<-'trait ~ historical1 + historical 2 + contemporary1 + contemporary2
    + abundance ~ contemporary1 + contemporary2 + trait
    + bacteria3 ~ historical1 + historical 2 + contemporary1 + contemporary2 + trait + abundance'
    > fit<-sem(modC,data=data,meanstructure=T)
    Warning messages:
    1: In lav_data_full(data = data, group = group, group.label = group.label,  :
      lavaan WARNING: some observed variances are (at least) a factor 1000 times larger than others; use varTable(fit) to investigate
    2: In lav_model_vcov(lavmodel = lavmodel, lavsamplestats = lavsamplestats,  :
      lavaan WARNING: could not compute standard errors!
> fitmeasures(fit)
               fmin               chisq                  df              pvalue      baseline.chisq 
              0.154              24.028               2.000               0.000             112.875 
        baseline.df     baseline.pvalue                 cfi                 tli                nnfi 
             15.000               0.000               0.775              -0.688              -0.688 
                rfi                 nfi                pnfi                 ifi                 rni 
              1.000               0.787               0.105               0.801               0.775 
               logl   unrestricted.logl                npar                 aic                 bic 
          -1414.328           -1402.314              19.000            2866.656            2911.434 
             ntotal                bic2               rmsea 
             78.000            2851.532               0.376               0.251               0.517 
       rmsea.pvalue                 rmr          rmr_nomean                srmr        srmr_bentler 
              0.000              15.160              16.949               0.077               0.077 
srmr_bentler_nomean         srmr_bollen  srmr_bollen_nomean          srmr_mplus   srmr_mplus_nomean 
              0.086               0.079               0.086               0.079               0.086 
              cn_05               cn_01                 gfi                agfi                pgfi 
             20.450              30.899               1.000               0.991               0.057 
                mfi                ecvi 
              0.868                  NA 
> summary(fit)
lavaan (0.5-16) converged normally after 119 iterations

  Number of observations                            78

  Estimator                                         ML
  Minimum Function Test Statistic               24.028
  Degrees of freedom                                 2
  P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000

Parameter estimates:

  Information                                 Expected
  Standard Errors                             Standard

                   Estimate  Std.err  Z-value  P(>|z|)
  trait ~
    historical1       8.723
    historical2      89.530
    contemporary1     6.737
    contemporary2   411.556
  abundance ~
    contemporary1   -36.390
    contemporary2   424.993
    trait            -0.251
  bacteria3 ~
    historical1       0.098
    historical2       0.095
    contemporary1    -0.102
    contemporary2     0.204
    trait            -0.000
    abundance        -0.000

    trait          1299.788
    abundance      1438.077
    bacteria3        19.984

    trait         30569.585
    abundance     128842.707
    bacteria3         0.864

I did some research about this warning but nothing seems to help. Does the model just fit really poorly with the other two variables?

Any ideas? Thank you in advance.

> str(data)
'data.frame':   78 obs. of  10 variables:
 $ X            : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
 $ historical1  : int  0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ historical2  : int  0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 ...
 $ contemporary1: int  0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 ...
 $ contemporary2: int  1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 ...
 $ trait        : num  2202 1935 1371 1978 1130 ...
 $ abundance    : num  1011 1757 1347 1578 1674 ...
 $ bacteria1    : num  30.39 6.69 7.58 6.05 8.47 ...
 $ bacteria2    : num  -0.0356 0.0304 0.1344 -0.0497 0.265 ...
 $ bacteria3    : num  19.4 18.1 20 18.1 18.4 ...



  • In case anyone was wondering, I did eventually figure this one out. There was apparently a scaling issue between the variables in the model. It can be fixed using the scale() function.


    Where column 19 corresponds to the 'bacteria2' variable and column 21 corresponds to my 'bacteria3' variable. The bacteria2 variable was roughly 10^7 while bacteria3 was roughly 10^-2. Rescaling them to 10^1 or 10^2 fixes both warnings produced in the code above and sem() successfully calculates standard errors.