In my app built using Laravel/Mysql I have two tables for users.
When I user register the table "User" and "UserInfo" gets created.
UserInfo has a FK that points to the PK in the Users table.
Right now I have a column in my UserInfo table that is set to unique I do this to make sure that user only can have one record in the UserInfo table.
But is it possible to just make the FK unique? I need a one-to-one design between the tables.
You can just make the integer itself unique. The foreign method is only used to link those datas between table A and table B.
What you are probably looking for is Eloquent:Relationships and must be added to your Models.
You can add this for your UserInfo Model:
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo(UserInfo::class);
And this for your User Model:
public function user_info()
return $this->hasOne(User::class);
Further information: