Search code examples

How can I reload the new data in the grid on clicking the button?

Say I have a grid and on clicking that button it will send that data to the grid and it will refresh automatically with new data display in the data:

$("#wics").click( function(){
    var grid = jQuery("#list10");
    var ids = grid.jqGrid('getGridParam','selarrrow');
    if (ids.length>0) {
        var names = [];
        for (var i=0, il=ids.length; i < il; i++) {
            var name = grid.jqGrid('getCell', ids[i], 'Name');
        //alert ("Names: " + names.join(", ") + "; ids: " + ids.join(", "));
        $("#names").html(names.join(", "));
                'Cancel': function(){
                'Confirm': function(){
                        type: "POST",
                        url:  "/cpsb/",
                        data: { method: "releaseTowics",
                            orderNum: JSON.stringify(ids),
                            names: JSON.stringify(names)
                        dataType: "json"
                        success: function(msg){
                        error: function(res, status, exeption) {

Maybe I will have to pull the new data with the success message in the grid. Basically just need to reload the grid automatically on clicking wics button.


  • Probably you will find the answer to you question here: How to filter the jqGrid data NOT using the built in search/filter box?

    If I correct understand your question you should replace $.ajax request to setting of url and postData parameters (correspond to data parameter of $.ajax) and page:1 on the second grid with respect of setGridParam method and call trigger('reloadGrid').