I found a strange issue like even If I explicitly mention the datapath to be /data/local/tmp/tesseract/, the TessBaseAPI uses the tessdata inside /data/data/tesseract/ (Only if it exists). If tesseract directory does not exist inside /data/data folder then the given path is taken.
I almost searched the entire TessBaseAPI.java file, but I couldn't find the default path.
Following are the code:
String TESSBASE_PATH = "/data/local/tmp/tesseract/";
TessBaseAPI baseApi = new TessBaseAPI();
baseApi.init(TESSBASE_PATH, "eng");
Can you please let me know from where the default datapath is taken?
There's no "default" data path. Only the path supplied to the init() method is used. Check out the code for the init() method--you'll see where the API throws an IllegalArgumentException if the data file is not in the specified location.