HI All,
I currently have an NSFetchedResultsController setup to return all rows in a table in my core data database. This then fills up my UITableView. The trouble is this will quickly get out of hand as the rows grow in number.
How can I limit the initial query to say 20 results, then add a button somewhere to "Get More" from where we left off?
Thanks for any guidance as always
This is controlled with NSFetchRequest's -setFetchLimit: and -setFetchOffSet.
If I recall correctly, the drawback with NSFetchedResultsController is that you can't modify the fetch request after you create your NSFetchedResultsController instance. I believe this means you'll have to create a new one (instance w/new fetch request) each time you change the range you want to retrieve/display.
File an enhancement request with Apple at bugreporter.apple.com if you feel this shouldn't be the case.