Until now all of my questions creating the program itself [C# Winforms] have been answered by searching the SO database. It's been an immense help really. But now i'm through with my program and I want to know what sort of procedure comes after; what is involved in the migration to an operating sql server. I built my program with [Visual Studio 2013] to operate temporarily on a LocalDb for testing purposes. I noticed that nothing gets saved whenever I close the application, which actually saves alot of time during several test runs, but now I want it to save permanently on the published software system.
I've researched this topic abit and this is what i've come up with so far:
I would first setup the connectionstring to work with my sql server (MSSQLSERVEREXPRESS 2012/2014)
Publish my program. (For this I have prepared an install shield wizard. is this preferrable over a ClickOnce application?)
Run and prep the Sqlservice (No idea how to do this... I know, I know... but I'm really only fluent in the coding department)
Based on what I read, I would want to attach my database (.mdf service based database) through SQL management studio.
?? I'm not sure what happens after five.
Am I correct in these assumptions?
A) Would the program run just as simply as the LocalDb variant?
B) Would I finally be able to create permanent records?
C) Would the Sqlservice have to be ran each time, alongside the program?
D) What am I not seeing? What procedure am I missing?
All forms of help are appreciated. Do note that I have researched lightly about the topic, and have so far only come up with the idea to attach the Mdf to the server through SSManagementStudio and the rest is magic (so to speak).
Honestly, I know too little about sql server that I might not even be running on LocalDB, as I've read on another thread that I was merely working with Visual studio's SSData Tools (I've never consciously ran an SqlServer during the course of creating my program). But for the record, localDB is written on my connectionstring.
The problem has been [Resolved]! FYI LocalDB is awesome and really isn't a hassle to deal with. I merely changed the COPY property below build options on the MDF file to Copy if Newer. Then I included everything I need into an InstallShield Wizard installer. Next problem came up was resolved by giving permission to use the MDF and LDF files to all users. I can now save permanent records. Thanks again Steve!