Given this (admittedly contrived) code fragment in Scala:
object Main extends App {
class X { def foo = 1 }
def f[A](value: A)(implicit ev: A <:< X) = { }
println(f(new X()))
What does the Scala compiler do to make this pass? I have looked at some code in Predef
but I don't understand the implementation. Please give a detailed step by step explanation.
Let's look at what the type inferencer does when you write:
f(new X())
It first has to figure out, what the template parameter A
of f
is. Type inference in Scala goes left to right in argument lists, so trivially (given new X
is of type X
), we get
f[X](new X)
Now the compiler needs to find an implicit value of type X <:< X
(remember, A
got resolved to X
To find implicit values, the compiler looks in various places, amongst others your current scope (in which Predef._
is imported).
The compiler then finds Predef.$conforms
implicit def $conforms[A]: A <:< A = // some implementation
So this can be used to produce a X <:< X
, by invoking it with X
as parameter:
f[X](new X)(Predef.$conforms[X])
The actual implementation of $conforms
does not matter as far as the type checker is concerned.
Now lets look at the implementation:
def f[A](value: A)(implicit ev: A <:< X) = { }
Value is of type A
(so something unknown). You want to call foo
on value
. Since foo
is not defined on A
, the compiler is looking for an implicit function (or method) that converts A
into something that has a foo
There is such a thing in scope: ev
(A <:< B
extends A => B
Therefore, the compiler inserts an implicit conversion using ev
As you might have noticed, <:<
is variant in its parameters: <:<[-From, +To]
. This can be used to generate actual subtyping evidences. Consider:
class A
class B extends A
val ev1: A <:< A = conforms
val ev2: B <:< A = ev1 // makes sense, works because of variance
// Also
val ev3: B <:< B = conforms
val ev4: B <:< A = ev3 // makes sense, works because of variance
This is notably the reason, why there is no need for a conforms
method with two type parameters. Further, note that this behavior is specifically not wanted for =:=
(since this is type equivalence), so it is invariant.