I'm trying to d&d UserControl that I created. Here is the UserControl:
For example, I have two UserControls
like this in the FlowLayotPanel
. When I drag one UserControl
to another I want to merge the UserControl
data. Merge their labels and images.
According to this article I don't have the ability to pass the draggable UserControl as an argument to DoDragDrop function.
What I'm doing right now is something like this:
string dataString = "";
dataString += barcodeLabel.Text + "~";
string sImg64bit = ImageToBase64(scannedDocImg, ImageFormat.Bmp);
dataString += sImg64bit;
DoDragDrop(dataString, DragDropEffects.Copy);
I'm just passing the data in a string format. I don't think this is good idea? Is there any other way to pass draggable data? Any thoughts?
Thanks to @HansPassant I realized that the answer was under my nose
Here is what I did:
private void ScannedDocContainer_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
DoDragDrop((ScannedDocContainer)sender, DragDropEffects.Copy);
private void ScannedDocContainer_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(typeof(ScannedDocContainer)))
ScannedDocContainer docContainerDragged = (ScannedDocContainer)e.Data.GetData(typeof(ScannedDocContainer));
"Extract the required data here"
This way I get's the entire dragged UserControl