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Angular: How to access resolved values in UI-Router in controller

I cannot access keys that are resolved in my ui-router state in the controller

Currently in a child-state before displaying the template a http request is made to check if user is authenticated. If not, in the onEnter part it redirects to another state.

That works but I also want to access resolved data in the view dispayed I don't know how to access the resolved key in the controller (to assign it to a scope property) or directly in the view (which should be posible with the $scope.$resolve introduced in angular 1.5.0). I tried injecting the controller with the key, the @resolve property etc. All working examples so far I got when googling this issue did not work for me.

This is the state:

    url: '/resetPassword/{validateToken}'
    ,resolve: {
        validateResponse: function($stateParams,AuthService,SessionService){
                            return AuthService.validatePasswordResetToken($stateParams.validateToken)
                                return; //{validate_ok:true/false,message:I18nKey}
    ,onEnter: function($stateParams,$state,validateResponse){
            // do nothing, go to resetPassword
    ,views: {
        'forgotPassword': {
            templateUrl: '/app/components/login/views/resetPassword.html'

In developer tool I see that validateResponse resolves ok and in the onEnter function I see the resolved key 'validateResponse' with values in the arguments.

In the controller I try to access the resolved property:

console.log('validateResponse: ',validateResponse)

(only relevant parts are displayed here for brevity)

...but the debugger never even gets to the line with console.log. In the view I do not have a validateResponse property in the $scope... not with $console.log() or Batarang scope view

The parent state contains reference to the controller but even if I move controller to the child state it makes no difference:

What is wrong here?????


  • Try referencing your controller in the state :

        url: '/resetPassword/{validateToken}'
        ,resolve: {
            validateResponse: function($stateParams,AuthService,SessionService){
                                return AuthService.validatePasswordResetToken($stateParams.validateToken)
                                    return; //{validate_ok:true/false,message:I18nKey}
        ,onEnter: function($stateParams,$state,validateResponse){
                // do nothing, go to resetPassword
        ,controller: ['validateResponse',function(validateResponse){
            console.log('validateResponse: ',validateResponse);            
        ,views: {
            'forgotPassword': {
                templateUrl: '/app/components/login/views/resetPassword.html'