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asp.netcastingwebformsfindcontroldynamic-controls Cast FindControl output to a parameter

I want to cast the output of FindControl method to a control of a specific type but I want the type itself being passed as an argument. I first tried:

public static List<T> GetList<T>(..., Type tp, ...)
tp castedCtrl = (panel.FindControl(ctrlPrefixName + i.ToString()) as tp);

This is my preferred result but doesn't compile at all. I also tried :

dynamic castedCtrl = Convert.ChangeType(panel.FindControl(ctrlPrefixName + i.ToString()), tp);

but this requires all my tp 's implement IConvertible interface which is not desired and required a lot of unintended work.

How can I cast the output of FindControl output to my desired type (which in action I want to pass the name of a user control class).


  • Here you go:

    public static List<T> GetList<T, U>(Page page, string ctrlPrefixName) 
       where T : class 
       where U : Control
       int i = 1;
       U castedCtrl = page.FindControl(ctrlPrefixName + i.ToString()) as U;
       return new List<T>();

    In order to use it:

    GetList<MyType, DropDownList>(this, "MyControl_");