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Create table in Crystal Reports like SSRS

Is there a way to auto create a table object in crystal reports (2011) with grid lines, where you can drag the fields in and it will auto create the headers, and allow vertical and horizontal resizing, like you can do in SSRS. Drawing the lines or boxes and then aligning and resizing the detail and headers manually, snapping to the grid, matching stuff to the page markers, etc., is very cumbersome and a complete waste of time. I would use SSRS, but I am creating forms that integrate into a particular ERP system and you can only use Crystal unfortunately.

If this is not possible, what is the fastest and most efficient way to get this done.

This is probably a long shot, but IFS is the ERP if anyone knows it, and if there is a way to create forms in IFS 8.1 with SSRS instead. I believe you can do it in version 9, but seems that it is not possible in version 8.1.


  • Unfortunately Crystal Reports doesn't have any utility to create a table Grid.

    But you can do two things in this situation.

    Fisrt One:

    • Lets assume you have a simple report having header, details and footer. Insert Box from tool bar and start drawing from header to footer including detail section. This will create outside border of table.
    • To draw column lines just insert line and link it with top and bottom of outside border
    • Reduce grid size(File->Options->Layout) or disable Snap To Grid or use ALT key for smooth re-sizing and movement of objects

    Second one:

    • Insert a Cross-Tab in report footer.
    • Go to Cross-Tab Expert, Add your desired Fields in Rows.
    • Go to Customize Style, Select Each row and in Group Options check suppress subtotals
    • Go to Format Grid Lines and unmark draw for all lines for columns.

    I will suggest you to use first one if you are not much familiar to Cross-Tab, Cross-Tab generates lines automatically but it has some issues like excel export, Sorting,Not Having Can grow. and it takes more time then conventional solution while solving these issues.