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Message Broker server in .NET (CoreCLR/DNX)

I want to know, Have we a Messaging System like JMS in .NET Platform ?

I see something like RabbitMQ but that server wrote in Erlang, I want a .NET server

Can anyone guide me how can I write a server based on AMQP protocol ? Can anyone guide me which library implemented AMQP 1.0 protocol in C# ? I think at first I must have amqp protocol in .NET

Please help me.


  • The server doesn't need to be written in the same language as you are using. There is a .net client for RabbitMQ

    If you need a .net server. you can use NServiceBus. NServiceBus is fully AMQP compliant

    So to summarise - both the RabbitMQ and NServiceBus .net clients are AMQP compliant as are the servers.