What is the proper way to stop the whole operation of the FileStream
when copying multiple files. When i call the Stop Download()
function, it stops, but when i start the copy again it doesn't start like the way it was. What should i do?
Private dStop As Boolean = False
Dim streamRead As FileStream
Dim streamWrite As FileStream
Public Function StopDownload()
dStop = True
End Function
Public Sub Copier(ByVal URL As String, ByVal Location As String) As Boolean
streamRead = New FileStream(URL, System.IO.FileMode.Open)
streamWrite = New FileStream(Location, System.IO.FileMode.Create)
Dim lngLen As Long = streamRead.Length - 1
Dim byteBuffer(1048576) As Byte
Dim intBytesRead As Integer
While streamRead.Position < lngLen And dStop = False 'This is where i stop the process of copying
intBytesRead = (streamRead.Read(byteBuffer, 0, 1048576))
streamWrite.Write(byteBuffer, 0, intBytesRead)
Pbar1.value = CInt(streamRead.Position / lngLen * 100)
Application.DoEvents() 'do it
End While
End Sub
I just have to put this at the beginning my Copier
Public Sub.
dstop = False
for it to start a new copying process.