I'm trying to create my first DSC pull configuration. My node server can read its .mof files if I store them in a directory on the node server, but it can't access its configuration .mof from a configuration-repository-folder because it seems to not have read-permissions to that folder where the .mof and .mof.checksum files are. This might be a result of the fact that the LCM of a node server by default uses the local-SYSTEM-credentials, and not the user login credentials. I cannot set the LCM credential value.
The pull server is up and running (confirmed). The .mof and .checklist.mof files are stored in a network shared folder "\myNetworkShares\DSC-Configs".
Here is how I configure the LCM of my node server, where I set the credential of the ConfigurationRepositoryShare
Configuration LCM_CLIENT_PULL
Node $AllNodes.NodeName
Settings {
AllowModuleOverwrite = $True
ConfigurationMode = 'ApplyAndAutoCorrect'
RefreshMode = 'Pull'
ConfigurationID = $node.Guid
CertificateID = $node.ThumbPrint
ConfigurationRepositoryShare DSCSMB {
Credential = $node.Credential
Sourcepath = "\\myNetworkShares\DSC-Configs"
I attempt to invoke my node server to run its configs by typing Update-DscConfiguration -ComputerName myNodeServerName -Wait -Verbose
And I receive an error: (NOTE: error doesn't occur when .mof is stored in a directory on my node server, to which it has read permissions!)
The file \\myNetworkShares\DSC-Configs\name.mof is not found. + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (\\myNetworkSha...name.mof:String) [], CimException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : DSCFileFileNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.DownloadManager.FileGetAct ionCommand + PSComputerName : myNodeServerName
I'm trying to change the credential attribute so that my node server can access the config .mof file, by including my credentials in the following line of code:
Set-DSCLocalConfigurationManager -ComputerName myNodeServerName -Path c:\LocationOfMyNodeMetaDataMofFile –Verbose -Credential $myCreds
However, the credential attribute never appear as populated. How can I change the credential attribute of the LCM on my node server???
More notes: I'm avoiding the encryption temporarily by allowing plain text password in the pull-node LCM-configuration .meta.mof file. I can see that the credential was written to the myNodeServer.meta.mof file before using Set-DSCLocalConfigurationManager
There is a known issue with the credential parameter in a file based pull server. Can you try setting it up with read access for everyone as described in this blog http://nanalakshmanan.com/blog/Push-Config-Pull-Module/